Abstract:【Objective】 To investigate the endotracheal-endobronchial metastases (EEM) under fiberoptic bronchoscopy characteristics and pathological diagnosis, and to improve the understanding, diagnosis of the EEM. 【Methods】 Retrospective and follow-up analyses were conducted for 10 cases of bronchoscopically, histopathologically and immunohistologically confirmed EEM. The original tumor, clinical characteristics, imaging and the characteristics of fiberoptic bronchoscopy were examined. 【Results】 The time span between diagnosis of the primary lesion and EEM was 1~15 years. The clinical symptoms and imaging features of EEM was similar to the primary bronchogenic carcinoma. The presentations of EEM under the fiberoptic bronchoscopy were polymorphic, and differed with the primary tumor. 4 of the 10 cases were diagnosed by routine pathological, the other 6 cases were confirmed by further immunohistochemical examination. 【Conclusion】 The diagnosis of EEM depends on the fiberoptic bronchoscopy , histopathology and the immunohistology.